10 Misconceptions about mental illness

10 Misconceptions about mental illness

||10 Misconceptions about mental illness|| Mental health misconceptions

Just like our body has diseases, our mind can also have various problems. When we have a disease in our body, we share it with our family members and get medical treatment. But if we have mental problems, we don't know why we shrink. But why?

One thing to keep in mind is that one in four people in the world suffers from a mental or neurological condition at any time in their life. At present, about 450 million people are suffering from this condition. The most interesting thing is that even though there is a treatment for mental illness, two-thirds of the affected patients never go to the doctor for treatment. Because many people do not want to accept mental illness as a disease. But mental illness is actually a disease. Many of us have many misconceptions about mental illness. In today's post, I will tell you what are misconceptions of people.

Our first misconception about mental illness is that children do not have a mental illness. Many people think that children do not have mental problems or illnesses. Approximately fifty percent of mental illnesses start at the age of 12 to 14 years. However, it takes a long time to understand their illness. Mental illness can happen to anyone at any age.

Our second misconception about mental illness is that mental illness is caused by sin. Mental illness is not the result of any human sin or guilt. Mental illness can happen to anyone. It doesn't matter how old he is or how old he is or what group he belongs to. There is nothing to feel guilty or ashamed of for mental illness. It is said that one's mental illness is the result of one's personal weakness or fault. If the mental patient is slandered in this way, they can harm them more. The patient should not be blamed but the exact cause should be sought.E.g.-Whether there is a genetic factor behind mental illness, whether there are significant changes in life, or whether there are side effects to drugs or medications.

Our third misconception about mental illness is that parents are responsible for mental illness. When a child begins to show signs of mental illness many people blame their parents for it. But this is a completely wrong idea. The strongest source of support for a mentally ill child is Family. If the family member first notices something unusual about the baby, then any trauma in the family, such as death or separation, can increase the risk of emotional problems for the baby.

Our fourth misconception about mental illness is that mental illness cannot be prevented. The number of mentally ill people in the world is increasing day by day as we are relying on devices. But there are countless ways to prevent mental illness. One of the most important steps in preventing mental health problems is to be aware of your health. It is important to be aware of any symptoms of mental health problems. A healthy lifestyle, adequate sleep, and a healthy diet can help prevent mental illness.

10 Misconceptions about mental illness

Our fifth misconception about mental illness is that mentally ill people are aggressive and violent. According to the Mental Health Organization, 95 to 97% of mentally ill people commit serious crimes. So it is a complete misconception that mental patients are violent and aggressive. However, the case is completely different in the case of insane people. Most mental patients never behave violently. If they get our cooperation and love, they will recover.

Our sixth misconception about mental illness is that mental problems should be kept secret. Many people have negative thoughts about mental illness. So many mental patients think that it would be best to keep their condition secret. We need to build public awareness to dispel negative perceptions and make it clear to everyone that mental illness has nothing to do with self-esteem. Mental problems are not something to be ashamed of. This problem should not be kept secret but should take the advice of a doctor.

Our seventh misconception about mental illness is that mental illness is not cured by treatment. Some people think that mental illness is not cured by treatment. But the treatment of mental illness is incredibly effective and fruitful. There are many ways to treat mental illness, such as medication, therapy, counseling, etc., but everything will be man to man very.

Our eighth misconception about mental illness is that there are no mental patients I know. Mental illness is more common than you think. Unbeknownst to you, some of your family members are suffering from mental health problems. Every year thousands of people suffer from depression and commit suicide. At least 26,500 students have committed suicide between 2014-2016. For this reason, mental problems should be given importance.

Our ninth misconception about mental illness is whether it is mental illness or hypocrisy! Since the effects of mental illness cannot be seen from the outside, many people raise questions about mental illness. This is not just a misconception, it is actually humiliating and disrespectful to people suffering from mental illness. One thing to keep in mind is that mental illness is actually a disease or disorder. Which should be taken care of seriously. It makes the mentally ill people more embarrassed to think that people with this problem are acting or pretending. Try to understand the problem and cooperate. Believe it can be a disease of the body as well as the disease of the mind. We do not know everything, so it is necessary to consult a doctor before becoming a judge.

Our last misconception about mental illness is that there is no need for treatment unless you are very ill. People with mental illness and their families are confused about when to start treatment. Many people think that there is no need for treatment if mental illness is not very serious. This is a completely wrong idea. The sooner you start treatment, the sooner you will recover. If you start treatment at an early stage, the chances of a serious situation are greatly reduced and the illness can be easily controlled. So do not avoid, ignore or underestimate the mental patient and mental illness in any way.

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