Simple and easy guided meditation for beginners

15 minutes of simple guided meditation for beginners 

For those who have not started meditation yet or who get into various problems while meditating, such as reversal of thoughts, dislike of sitting, not being able to concentrate on breathing, etc., Today's Guided Meditation post will help you a lot in meditating. You can practice meditation whenever you like, no problem.

Now sit in a meditation pose. With the help of this guided meditation, you can practice meditation twice a day till you have mastered the meditation.

Sit up straight. Keep your spine straight. There is no harm in tilting your neck and head slightly forward. When the spine of the back is straight, our inner vitality flows in a good way. Now gently close your eyes. Now bring your full focus to breathing. Look at the breathing. At this moment the breath enters your throat through your nose and comes down through your chest. Feel it.

Now the air is coming out from under the navel through the chest and again through the nose. When the breath comes in, bring your focus inside your body along with the breath. Again, when the air is coming out from inside you, bring your focus along with the air.

If at this moment your meditation goes somewhere outside or if any thought comes to your mind then gently remove the focus from there and bring it back to your breathing meditation.

Bring the breath down deep. Breathe deeply. When the air is entering your body, feel that the stomach is swollen after the air enters. Again, when the air is coming out from inside, the stomach is completely empty. Feel it too. Now feel that the speed of breathing has slowed down a bit. You are breathing very deeply now. But you still have a full focus on breathing.

You can now see your breathing. You can feel it. You are focusing on each and every breath. If your mind goes somewhere else in it, then gently shift your focus and bring it back to your breathing. You are now meditating so deeply on your breath that you can no longer feel anything else.

The more you focus, the deeper you will go into meditation. Not a single breath can come in and out without your focus. You have complete focus in every breath. You have now forgotten all about your past and future. Now only you are in present, that is, you are in present. Fill this moment of being in the present. This is a very pleasant time to be in the present. There is no comparison.

It seems that every breath you take is the key to staying present. So take this breath in and out in such a way that one breath is worthless. This breath is priceless. Your focus is the key to which you can enjoy this beautiful moment. Keep focusing on every breath. Meditation should not be lost. Focus is entering you with the breath. Focus is coming out with the breath again. Your breathing is all for you now. Don't lose control of your breathing. Focus on each breath. Breathe deeply so that the air goes up to your lower abdomen.

Now express your gratitude for the peace you are feeling. Now you can slowly open your eyes.

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